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Welcome is a FREE resource for mountain-bikers in the UK to share details about all kinds of mountain bike trails. The idea is that this site provides a rich framework for storing, organising, and displaying trail information, and that users provide an ongoing source of information about the trails they ride. Think of it like Wikipedia for mountain bike trails :-)

The more everyone contributes, the more informative the whole site will become. So if you find the site useful, please consider making a contribution. How about:-

  • Adding a comment or rating for a trail you just rode
  • Changing or updating the details stored against a trail
  • Uploading some pictures, video, or GPS files
  • Or, creating an entirely new trail from scratch
Click here for more information about the site and its objectives.

Latest Additions to the Site

csabak commented on or rated trail 'Lairig Ghru and Glenmore' at venue 'Aviemore' about 4 days ago
csabak added a new picture album at venue 'Aviemore' about 4 days ago
jwv89 commented on or rated trail 'MBR Killer Loop' at venue 'Edmundbyers' about 7 days ago

Trail Information

The ‘Trails’ section starts out by showing a map of all the Venues stored in the system. From there you can drill down into each to get at a wealth of detailed information for each of the trails (including downloadable GPS data for every trail).

Add your trails

Know a local trail you want to share? Know an alternative route for a trail already in the system? Why not go ahead and use the 'Route Editor' button below to draw out the route right here in your browser. Or if you have already got your own mapping software or a GPS gadget and you would like to upload a route file, the 'Upload' button below will allow you to upload files in many common formats.


What kind of trails are here?

Pretty much every possible kind of mountain bike trails are recorded on the site, including:-
  • Trail Centres - With lots of onsite facilities, Shop, cafe, toilets, etc. and multiple 'built' trails.
  • MTB Developments - Where money has been spent on purpose built MTB trails. Typically will be based from a Forestry Commission carpark or similar. But they are not quite a fully fledged trail-centre with all the facilities.
  • Natural trails - Trails that have just evolved through use or have had minimal levels of work done on them. Offten makes use of multi-use paths and tracks also used by walkers and horse riders etc.
  • Epic Trails - These tend to be longer trails out into the hills. Can be quite remote and offten involve biger climbs. These trails usually follow hill walking tracks and paths.
Click here for a detailed description of the above types.

The only thing you won't find details of on this site is routes which are entirely on tarmaced public roads. Sorry, we don't do roads... we are mountain bikers ;-)


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Please help support by making a donation.  More...


Explore the live maps, ratings, and descriptions on this site to easily find great places to ride in your local area which suit your skills and preferences.


Get out there and ride. The detailed information given for each trail including downloadable GPS plots should allow you to find even the most obscure natural trails.


Come back and share your experience. Share that fantastic new trail you found, give your opinion of existing ones, upload your pictures & videos, etc.

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MTB Clubs

Running a mountain bike club? Why not save yourself the hassle of trying to plot out all your local rides on your own website. Just enter the details here and link to them from your own site.
  • Entering the details of your trials into is likely to be much easier than reinventing the wheel on your own site.
  • Adding new trails in the future and keeping your trail details up-to-date is likely to be easier.
  • Your members will benefit from the feature-rich way trails are displayed here.
  • And you will be adding your trails to a central location for the common good of the entire mountain biking community.

Create an account

Creating an account is quick and easy and allows you to access more of the features on the site. Click here to find out more about the advantages of having an account.